Simply put, physician sourcing is a comprehensive approach for providing candidates to organizations looking to hire physicians or advanced practice providers.  Sourcing specialists work hand-in-hand with internal recruiters, resulting in higher quality physicians,” on-boarded” and seeing patients sooner and being retained longer – all at a lower cost to the organization. Working with the hiring organization and its staff to understand their unique physician staffing needs, both present and future, your sourcing firm will create a strategy for attracting the most qualified candidates. A good sourcing firm can greatly improve your hiring process by utilizing methods that will reduce the overall cost of physician recruitment, provide consistency and continuity to the recruitment process, and bring your unique branding to candidates by using effective marketing media.  You hire more quickly and with better retention.

The right sourcing firm is able to reach out to passive candidates, physicians who may not necessarily be looking but would consider a transition for the right opportunity.  Physician sourcing companies should market your open position to thousands of qualified candidates by utilizing  a large database and leading edge technology. Typically companies maintain a community of contacts with residency & fellowship programs, personal referrals, professional associations and internet website activity to help support the physician sourcing process.  A comprehensive and in-depth marketing approach that includes ads in professional association websites, leading provider and commercial job boards and targeted text, email and direct mail campaigns are the best marketing tools for physician sourcing.  

Your physician sourcing company should thoroughly vet and screen interested candidates.  A detailed evaluation of the candidate’s professional goals & interests will determine whether they are a match to your specific opportunity. Professional sourcing organizations will present only the top choices for you to consider and will present the candidate’s CV along with a profile of the candidate for your review.  Physician sourcing companies should work seamlessly with your internal recruitment team to keep your pipeline filled with qualified, pre-screened candidates. Many sourcing companies offer a menu of services for organizations needing a little help with the management of the recruitment process.

RM Medical Search and Consulting (RMMSC) has been sourcing physicians for practices and health systems large and small for over 20 years. By working collaboratively with you, RMMSC will save your company time and money.   We deliver pre-screened, appropriate candidates – interview ready – directly to your hiring team.  

Looking ahead is often a luxury for internal recruitment teams.  We recognize the importance of strategic planning so your organization can meet your provider needs in future years.  We are in contact with training programs, chief residents, residents and practicing physicians who are considering positions for future years.  Let us tee up your future hires now, putting you ahead of your competition.  

The bottom line is the bottom line. You’ve already heard about increased revenue from faster hires, and cost savings from increased retention, but making sure you partner with the right sourcing firm is imperative.  Sourcing can be a much better way to get candidates than contingency programs and at a fraction of the cost. If you have multiple hires within a single specialty, your savings will be even greater.  

During the past 24 years, RMMSC has demonstrated intelligence, integrity and accountability. Together, we can fill your open medical positions. Let’s get started –   contact Karen Zeller today for your provider sourcing needs at 303-586-4141.